Born in Buffalo, aged in Philadelphia, and seasoned in Scotland, Australia, Greece, and New York City, a curiosity and love of place has been a constant inspiration since childhood. What began as a desire to "know" place has grown into a wider passion of exploring the art of knowledge. How do we know what we know? My work delves into how we experience various tugs in knowledge and truth – tugs between measurement and lived experience, thinking and feeling, the seen and unseen, the rational and the sensuous. I explore how these tugs play out in our relationships to time, language, the feminine, history/myth, and place.
Drawing from my current postgraduate research in philosophy and nearly 20 years working in design and architecture, I work in multiple mediums from drawing, photography, installation, and sculpture to public art, interactive events, writing, and curating. My artworks often fall somewhere in between process-based art, defining a feminist sublime, and spatial design. The installation projects are frequently interactive and curated to include participatory performances.
My research often draws from the philosophies of Henri Bergson, Luce Irigaray, Donna Haraway, Henri Lefebvre, and Andreas Weber, and I am often inspired by artworks from the Situationists, romantic landscape painters & photographers, and architectural traditions from around the world. Most recently, concepts of phenomenology, birth, and children's perspectives have entered my work.
Most of all, I strive to create what author Parker Palmer describes as “a third thing" — something that “allows us to hold challenging issues metaphorically, where they can’t devolve to the pro-or-con choices forced on us by conventional debate.” For me, this is what art is all about: creating a third thing that through its beauty, seduces us to pause, wonder, contemplate, and converse... embracing possibilities beyond "the way things are.”